Photo gallery of the Second Certiflight Advisory Board held in Madrid and organised by EuroUSC España

June 26, 2024

EuroUSC España is a partner of Certiflight and was in charge of organizing this meeting. These pictures illustrate some of the best moments.

Certiflight, the European project that proposes a new U-space service for the legal certification of tracks generated by UAS and aircraft flights, held its second Advisory Board meeting in Madrid last May. This meeting was organised in Madrid by EuroUSC España, one of the project's partners.

The meeting was attended by partners of Certiflight from several European countries, as well as other industry experts. The objective was to discuss the progress achieved, as well as future challenges and possible solutions.

The Advisory Board was described as a "success" by the attendees, who were able to listen to presentations on relevant information about the project, and subsequently discussed in small groups about solutions applicable to Certiflight.

The image gallery shows some of the best moments experienced during the Advisory Board.

We look forward to seeing you at the third Advisory Board next year!

You can read more about the development of the meeting here.