Certiflight successfully holds its second Advisory Board to set the roadmap for the project

June 7, 2024

Project partners, EUSPA representatives and industry professionals attended the meeting to discuss opportunities and challenges.

On May 23, 2024 EuroUSC España organised the second Advisory Board meeting in Madrid. The event was attended by all the project partners, representatives of EUSPA (the European Union Agency for the Space Programme) as well as industry experts from drone operators, technological companies, UTM, GNSS and aviation organisations.

Attendees of the advisory board

The objective of the meeting was to share the progress made by the project in its first half, as well as to discuss future steps and challenges.

The Advisory Board was organised in a hybrid format, comprising short presentations by the Certiflight partners to set the stage, and three interactive sessions:

  • The Certiflight software platform and the reports generated by it
  • The Certiflight UTM services
  • The key benefits for users and business models

Both the partners present in the workshop and the external experts were satisfied with the outcome of the meeting. The participation was very constructive and some key points were raised that will be taken into consideration for the development of the commercial services that will be provided as a result of the proyect.

One of the interactive sessions

More about Certiflight

Certiflight proposes a new U-space service for the legal certification of tracks generated by UAS and aircraft flights, through introducing a new disruptive EGNSS-IoT digital system enabled by Galileo OSNMA technology and blockchain. The primary beneficiaries of the project are UAS operators, general aviation pilots, authorities, the U-space service providers, customers and the citizens of the European Union.

The intention of the project is to exploit technological progress in the sphere of legal services, helping institutions in providing tools capable of pursuing the two key principles of U-space: automation and digitalisation with the help of EGNSS services.

Certiflight aims to be recognised as a tool for:

  • Reducing the liability of drone operations.
  • Activate specific contractual conditions based on certified UAS flight positioning information.