DREAMS is one of U-space exploratory reseach call, related to information management. The kick off meeting took place in Brussels on October 20th, when all the Consortium partners met in SESAR JU Premises – in the centre of Brussels’ European Quarter.
Information management is a key component of U-space, the European Commission’s vision to enable complex drone operations with a high degree of automation to take place in all types of operational environments, including urban areas.
To facilitate this, existing aviation information must be tailored to the specific needs of UAS operators and address the aeronautical information sharing requirements coming from several stakeholders involved in drone operations such as other airspaces users, service providers, air traffic managers and aviation authorities.
The SESAR Horizon 2020 DRones European AIM Study Project (DREAMS) has been selected as one the projects in the Drone information management area of the SESAR RPAS exploratory research call aimed at realizing the SESAR U-space Blueprint.
The DREAMS consortium is coordinated by IDS (Ingegneria Dei Sistemi S.p.A.) and comprising Delft University of Technology, EuroUSC España, EuroUSC Italia and TopView. The Project Team has a deep competence on the systems and technologies currently used in air traffic management for flight planning, static and dynamic aeronautical information management and airspace management as well as ICAO standards, EASA common rules on aviation safety and deliverables produced by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS), which would allow to verify compliance, or identify gaps in the current end envisaged rules for UAS and related safety critical services.
Operational and technical aspects, environmental scenarios, technologies, safety, security and confidentiality aspects will be analysed in order to identify potential U-space data (e.g. airspace structure, terrain, obstacles and weather), service providers (for authentication, flight planning, fleet management, geofencing) and facilities and how the information needs to be tailored for UAS traffic management.
The DREAMS project methodology is based on the following steps:
- Identification of reference scenarios and high-level U-space services
- Elicitation of data and service requirements
- Data and service availability analysis
- Scenario selection validation
- Validation of the results
DREAMS is designed to have a very significant impact in the definition of standards, processes and solutions for U-space Aeronautical Data definition with the ambition to bridge the information management data, service and safety requirement gap that currently prevents the U-space systems evolution from a proof-of-concept to an industrialised solution.
If you are interested in DREAMS, follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn to be updated on the development of the project.
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 763671 under European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.