The workshop was held at the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid and was attended by the members of the DREAMS Consortium as well as experts in RPAS and ATM representing AESA (the Spanish Civil Aviation Authority), Eurocontrol, Upvision, the University of Rijeka and other sibling projects from the SESAR 2020 RPAS Exploratory Research Call.
The first day was devoted to reviewing the results obtained so far by the project (the whole deliverables produced so far are available here) and, in particular, the following topics were discussed:
- The scenario identification performed by Topview
- The regulatory analysis carried out by EuroUSC Italia
- Gap analysis
- DREAMS platform adaptation
- Bluesky platform adaptation
- Description of the planned validation and simulation activities
As it happened on the two previous meetings of the IAB, valuable feedback was obtained from the external members and, in turn, DREAMS provided insights and information to the other projects represented, with a view to harmonize and coordinate the efforts to define and develop the future U-space vision.
The second day included practical demos of two different validation scenarios, providing the opportunity to see the interaction between the two simulation platforms being used; the DREAMS U-Space platform developed by IDS and the Bluesky ATM simulation environment developed by TU Delft.
Finally, the communication and dissemination activities carried out by EuroUSC España were discussed.
You can see a video of the event below: