Project Dreams
Drone European AIM Study
Aviation has relied on dependable and readily available information to conduct safe operations, based on internationally agreed standards and procedures for its data quality, including origination, maintenance and distribution.
The new unmanned aviation will also require a comparable level of information to support the new operational scenarios that are envisaged. The variety and complexity of these scenarios, the number of operations expected (millions instead of a few thousand) and the fast evolution of drone technology requires a different approach, using concepts derived from the ICT sector but maintaining the same level of integrity and reliability of the information.
The project DREAMS will analyse the present and future needs of aeronautical information to support the growth of unmanned aviation, ensuring the safety of operations.
Project funding
This project has received funding from the SESAR Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 763671
DREAMS – H2020 – SESAR – 2016/1 – Ref. 763671
Project website
Role of EuroUSC
EuroUSC España is responsible for the communication and dissemination activities and together with its linked third party, EuroUSC Italia, of the regulatory assessment of the scenarios considered.
The following documents are available for download: