Certiflight project held the Test Readiness Review meeting (TRR) in Prague, Czech Republic, on April 17, 2024.
The consortium has sat down at the table with the Project Officer and the reviewers to discuss the status of the project and the roadmap for the next steps.

Specifically, the focus of the meeting was to illustrate the status of the system components and the plans for their integration and verification. During the meeting Each partner explained the status of their working area, outlined the next steps to take, and explained the objectives they aim to achieve.
For a more detailed information about the status of the project, please see the detailed article about the meeting at the project website
Main outcomes
The main outcomes of the TRR meeting were:
- Presentation of the individual technologies developed, now ready for the integration and verification phase (Certiflight devices for UAS and General Aviation, Certiflight portal, EGNSS Algorithms for spoofing detection, and UTM/USSP platforms with updated interfaces)
- Closure actions for WP3
- First reporting period RP1
- Start of WP4 activities and comments on the D4.1 verification plan
- Update on Communication, Dissemination, and standardization activities
- Update on the Cost Benefit Analysis
Communication and dissemination activities
The General Manager of EuroUSC, Manuel Oñate, explained during the meeting how communication and dissemination tasks related to Certiflight are progressing. In this regard, EuroUSC detailed the work being carried out and conveyed that the objectives are being significantly exceeded.
EuroUSC will be the partner responsible for organizing the next Advisory Board meeting, which will be attended by all project partners as well as representatives of organisations interested in the technology. It will take place in Madrid soon. In this regard, Oñate explained to the other attendees what the meeting will entail and what topics will be covered.

Next steps
Following this meeting, the next ones to be held will be the AR Acceptance Review, once the integration and verification process is completed. At that moment, the platform will be ready for validation.
Lastly, the QR Qualification Review will occur, in which validation and demonstration activities will have concluded. At this point, the Certiflight solution will be ready for market exploitation.